The Brain in Your Skin

A brain/skin image

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the feet are the windows to the brain. With over 7,000 nerve endings in each human foot, our two feet make excellent sensory control panels with direct access to the limbic part of the brain via the central nervous system. The limbic brain which is also known as the paleomammalian brain also houses the Thalamus and Hypothalamus which are vital parts of the endocrine system- these uniquely human organs and glands are crucial functionaries dealing with emotions, memories and sensory arousal.


Reflexology which is a 2000-year-old non-invasive science using reflex points on the bottom, lateral and medial sides of the foot and ankle which can help relax the body and gives the limbic brain a chance to recombobulate when dealing with our ever-chaotic world. Research being done by neuroscientist Claudia Aguirre is examining new powerful understandings of the links of communication between the skin and the brain, even asserting that the skin has the ability to think and feel beyond the traditional thoughts of how the cerebral cortex processes the sensation of touch. These new discoveries confirm what modern reflexologist have been discussing and documenting- that the somatosensory system which is an ever important part of the nervous system is being scientifically reexamined in regards to the skins ability to influence internal states of the body- which could have profound effect on research being done on diseases that lead to Autism, Depression, Anxiety and Self Esteem Disorders.

-Metamorphic Technique

The most exciting research that is drawing the most attention in the neuroscience community is the study of the neuro-immuno-cutaneous system, which is responsible for the “feeling” stimuli and sensation in the human body and is one of the first if not the first sensory systems to develop while in in the womb. These discoveries are now shedding light on one of the most mysterious parts of the brain called the angular gyrus which is now thought to process gentle or light touch giving new understanding as it relates to “Mother’s first touch” and is lighting up the neuroscience community in regards to the current known blueprints regarding epigenetics, which studies the biological mechanisms that influence how genes switch on and off.

These current sensational concepts bring buoyancy and new life to the work done by Robert St. John and Gaston-Saint-Pierre both respected reflexologists in the 1970’s who developed the “Metamorphic Technique” which is a transformative therapy using the lightest of touch along the spinal reflex of the foot, hand and occipital region of the head. Metamorphic Technique is very popular in the UK and Europe and is slowly getting traction known in the United States. This relatively new therapy is understood to help us reconnect to our first thoughts and feelings as humans while in the womb and can be used to help individuals reach their highest form of being and the ability to tap unlimited self-potential.

-The Butterfly Effect

In chaos theory there exist something called the Butterfly Effect – which by definition is: the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.

The Butterfly effect when applied to the human body has the ability to create exponential change for concepts pertaining to healing through the use of touch and with more study is setting the stage for remarkable life altering advancements in wellness and self-care.


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